Click here to learn more about the Flourish Mentoring Journey at Passion City Church.

FLOURISH as a Mentor

A mentoring relationship is born when one woman confidently guides another in the process of viewing her life through the lens of Scripture, modeling a practical lifestyle that displays Jesus and His Gospel.

Why mentor?

Biblical Mentoring must always be informational, relational and transformational, and the Gospel helps us blend these three so beautifully! FLOURISH Year 1 and Year 2 will equip mentors with the biblical framework that will help you carry out this call inspired by Titus 2:7. “In everything set them an example by doing what is good.”

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The Heart Behind Mentoring

Discover the heart and the vision behind Biblical Mentoring from the FLOURISH Team at Passion City Church.


Check out our free resources below!

  • Mentor Application

    This mentor application template includes questions the Flourish Team has learned are important to match mentors with mentees.


  • Life Story Timeline

    Have your mentees use this template to summarize the overarching details of their life in order to share her story with you. This is the first step of trust building for a strong mentoring journey!


  • Effective Mentors Do…

    This resource shares the top ten things that effective Mentors do throughout the Flourish Mentoring Journey.


  • Mentor Training Booklet

    This booklet provides content for mentor training, with key Whys and Hows of the Flourish expression of Biblical mentoring.


The WordMealFlourish book

Have a Question?

The Flourish Team has compiled answers to common questions about the mentoring journey, curriculum, and more.


The WordMealFlourish book

Let us hear your FLOURISH story!

Do you have a story of how mentorship has impacted your life that you want to share with other like-minded women? Please share your FLOURISH journey with us.