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We are humbled to serve a generation looking for purpose, direction, and a safe place to grow.


To the Beautiful God-Seekers and Kingdom-Builders,

Hello! As a team who is humbled to serve a generation looking for purpose, direction, and a safe place to grow, we want to say Welcome. We are proud of you. We are with you.

In our devotion to Jesus + in our day-to-day rhythms, we want help learning how to live and serve faithfully in all of our roles as daughters, mothers, friends, wives, professionals, and more. While God has already wired + blessed us with an innate capacity to carry out these roles, we recognize there is so much to learn!

Mentorship wasn’t our idea—it was, is, and always will be God’s idea. Titus 2:3-5 calls women into a God-filled life for the sake of the Gospel and invites us into intentional mentoring relationships so that together our lives can FLOURISH for the fame and glory of Jesus. This calling up into a higher standard of living is the heartbeat and hope of FLOURISH: A Mentoring Journey. A journey that we believe every woman should go on.

As we unpack His Word in the setting of mentorship, may we be blessed with invaluable growth, victory, knowledge, and power, and may we give right back what was given to us so selflessly: the Gospel displayed for all to see in our very lives!

For His fame,
Shelley Giglio + The FLOURISH Team

Our Supporting Teams


The Grove is a monthly gathering for the women of Atlanta. Hosted by Shelley Giglio and The Grove Team, these gatherings are an extension of what Jesus is doing in and through Passion City Church. This team also offers vibrant episodes of The Grove Podcast, found on all podcast platforms. The heartbeat of The Grove is to encourage women to be rooted in the unfailing Word of God, to learn to flourish where we’re planted, to walk in freedom in Christ and truly live, and to give our lives as shade to the people in our paths. Learn more and connect with our team at

Our Supporting Teams

Passion City Church

Rooted in the confession of Isaiah 26:8, Passion exists to glorify God by uniting students in worship, prayer, and justice for spiritual awakening in this generation. From its start in 1995, the Passion movement has had a singular mission—calling students from campuses across the nation and around the world to live for what matters most. For us, what matters most is the name and renown of Jesus. We believe in this generation and are watching God use them to change the climate of faith around the globe. Born out of the Passion Movement, Passion City Church exists to glorify God and to proclaim the name of Jesus to people in the city and the world. Passion City Church is located in Atlanta Georgia, and Washington, D.C, and is led by Senior Pastor Louie Giglio and his wife, Shelley. Learn more and connect with the Passion Team at


Flourish at Passion City Church is passionate about pointing women to Jesus through the power of His Word.

The Flourish Books contains curriculum to root women in the Word of God through intentional mentoring relationships.

Flourish Year 1 and Flourish Year 2 serve as guides for women sharing the wisdom and encouragement of believers who are in different stages of their lives and walks with Jesus.

Year 1 Year 2

Let us hear your FLOURISH story!

Do you have a story of how mentorship and discipleship have impacted your life? We’d love to hear about your Flourish experience!

    Have a Question?

    Our team is here to support you along the journey.
